23 April 2009

Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House makes the front page of The Concord Journal (and on-line at Wicked Local, too)!

Read the story, check out the cool pix of "Miss Alcott" supervising the Preservation Project, and watch the video (if you haven't already). Then ... VOTE!

Once a day every day through May 17th at www.PartnersinPreservation.com!

21 April 2009

Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House vying for $100,000 in guaranteed grant money

Watch as Executive Director Jan Turnquist explains why we need to win the Partners in Preservation contest!

"Spruce Up for Spring" Volunteer Gardens & Grounds Clean-Up Fast Approaching!

This year marks the tenth time Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House has asked volunteers to help with our annual gardens and grounds clean-up. In the past, this event has not only helped us to save on costly landscaping fees, but also promotes a spirit of camaraderie that is beautiful to experience -- young and old and everyone in between working alongside each other to make "America's House" awake from its long Winter nap and look beautiful for the new tourism season!
The clean-up date of Saturday, April 25th also happens to fall on "Global Youth Service Day," an international effort to encourage youth volunteerism to make a difference in local communities. We provide Community Service credits to students and boy/girl scouts, so it's a terrific way to get what you need and have a good time doing it! (For more info on Global Youth Service Day, visit www.gysd.org.)
Finally, this year's clean-up is vital to our success, as it will help us "put our best face forward" when we host our Open House for the Partners in Preservation contest on May 2nd & 3rd. If we win, we will receive $100,000 to preserve Orchard House! (For details -- and to vote for us every day through May 17th! -- visit www.PartnersinPreservation.com.)
Volunteers can help out for the entire day or for an hour or two. Families are welcome, and you don't need previous gardening experience -- we have all manner of activity to keep folks busy! Healthy snacks and lunch are provided too, so what's not to like? (In the event of rain, "Spruce Up for Spring" will be held on Sunday, April 26th.) Hope you can help!